This spell is like the previous Arrow spells, but strikes each target with a kill spell. The number of arrows increases with the level of the caster.
Death Arrows
Devastating beyond words, this spell creates a space of quickfire, which will sweep over the area killing everyone and everything.
This spell creates an impenetrable, permanent barrier. Be careful not to trap yourself.
Force Barrier
This spell works like Summoning, but brings forth much more powerful creatures.
Major Summoning
One of the most powerful spells in the mage’s repertoire. It makes the whole party temporarily magic resistant, and makes one PC you select immune to ALL damage for a short time.
When cast, every monsters within a small radius of the caster will become paralyzed for quite some time. There is a chance they might resist the spell.
Mass Paralysis
When cast, the entire party is blessed and hasted, and has their weapons mildly poisoned.
Major Blessing
This spell sends a wave of force out from the caster, damaging everyone nearby. The farther someone is from the caster, the more damage is taken, out to a radius of 10. Don’t cast in towns.
When cast outdoors, the party can fly for a short time.
When cast on a magic-using enemy, the two creatures get in a mental battle, absorbing spell points from each other. The loser may end up dumbfounded or killed. Requires a Smoky Crystal to cast.
This spell creates a spherical field, from which no spells may be cast and in which no spells may be targeted. After creation, it slowly fades.
Antimagic Cloud
This dangerous spell summons a beast from the netherworld to fight at your side.
This spell affects several monsters - the number affected increases with your level and intelligence. Whoever you cast this on will be immobilized for a very long time. Powerful monsters might resist this spell.
The deadly Kill spell deals a devastating blow to one target you select.
When cast, the caster begins to radiate a horrible aura of fear. All monsters within 12 spaces lose a lot of morale. This spell gains effectiveness rapidly with the level of the caster.
Group Fear
This spell makes the targeted monster very poisoned. This spell does a huge amount of damage, but it takes time to take effect.
Major Poison
This spell creates a large number of small fields of a random sort, each of which may be individually targeted. The number of fields increases with the level of the caster.
Spray Fields
This spell creates a large sphere of force walls.
This spell is like Minor Summoning, but summons more powerful monsters.
This spell creates a single fire barrier at the target space. Fire barriers are damaging and permanent.
Fire Barrier
This spell has a chance (increasing with level) of destroying magical barriers. Some barriers are harder to dispel than others; some cannot be dispelled. Some barriers can be walked through.
Dispel Barrier
This spell is like fireball, but does more damage, and affects all creatures within two spaces of the space you target. Be careful not to fry your party!
Fire Storm
Gives the entire party double its actions (duration depends on the level of the caster). All haste spells take effect at the beginning of the next round.
Major Haste
This powerful spell makes monsters less likely to see you for a time (duration depends on your level). Try casting it before walking through a room crowded with monsters.
This spell is similar to Wall of Force, except that it creates an ice wall. Ice walls do as much damage as force walls, but last a lot longer.
Wall of Ice
This spell is similar to Flame Arrows, except that your targets are poisoned.
Venom Arrows
This spell summons a monster you select from your Soul Crystal. The cost depends on the level of the monster being summoned.
This spell stores a target monster in a Soul Crystal, so that it may later be created with the Simulacrum spell. You need a Soul Crystal to cast this.
Capture Soul
When cast in town, this powerful spell gives you a vision - your map will show you the entire area. However, to cast this spell you need a sapphire.
Magic Map
Makes all monsters within a 12 space radius move at half speed for a time.
Slow Group
Slams the target with a heavy, pointed bolt of ice. Effective against monsters who are resistant to fire. Damage increases as the level of the caster increases.
Ice Bolt
This makes poison run thick in the veins of the target. Repeated castings will have a devastating effect.
You can cast this spell on another PC to make him/her resistant to magical damage and effects. Note this does not help against damage from fire or cold.
Resist Magic
This spell covers a large circle with icky webs, slowing down everyone inside. The webs last until torn down.
This spell is like flame, but the caster gets to select several targets. The number of missiles increases with the level of the caster. If you don't want to use all the missiles, hit the space bar to cast the spell.
Flame Arrows
When cast, a group of monsters appears and attacks all enemies of the caster. The number of monsters depends on the level of the caster. After a time, they disappear.
Weak Summoning
This powerful spell creates a line of force walls, which are like fire walls but more damaging and lasting. Hitting the space bar while targeting makes the wall rotate.
Wall of Force
Like scare, but much more powerful.
Like the first level light spell, but much more effective.
Long Light
Fires a powerful ball of flame, which affects the target space and every adjacent space. The damage done increases with the level of the caster.
Makes the selected PC get twice the usual number of actions for a long time. All haste spells take effect at the beginning of the next round.
Some doors are magically locked, and others are just hard to open. This spell can unlock them. However, it isn’t guaranteed to succeed, and won’t work on all doors.
Unlock Doors
This spell creates a small cloud of sleep gas. There is a chance that anyone passing through the cloud will fall asleep (note that some creatures, like slimes, never sleep).
Sleep Cloud
This spell dispels magical fields in the selected area. It removes blade walls, ice walls, and similar fields. Note, however, that the spell doesn't work on Fire and Force Barriers.
Dispel Fields
This spell makes the air in a radius 2 circle burst into flames, charring anyone inside the cloud. After creation, the cloud will rapidly fade.
This spell summons one low-level, non-magical monster to fight on your side. It disappears after a short time.
Summon Beast
When cast, a 3x3 area you select becomes filled with choking gasses. Anyone entering will have far less effective attacks for a short time. The gas will slowly fade on its own.
Stinking Cloud
This spell puts poison on the weapon of the selected PC, with no chance of failure or accidental poisoning.
Makes the victim incompetent: easier to hit, easier to damage, and less able to attack you.
Makes the victim get half its usual number of actions for a while.
Fires a decent-sized bolt of flame at the target. The damage done increases with the level of the caster.
Poisons the target creature. This does a fair amount of damage, but it takes time to happen.
Minor Poison
This spell lets you see everything in a short radius around you, even spaces blocked off by walls. It's useful for finding secret passages, for example.
True Sight
This spell covers the target with sticky goo, slowing it down and interfering with its attacks.
This spell is cast during combat. When cast, you receive information about the monster you target: current health, spell points, morale, etc.
Scry Monster
This draining spell identifies all the unidentified items being held by your characters.
This spell fills the selected space with a short-lasting wall of fire.
Flame Cloud
Decreases the morale of the victim. Casting this on a weak foe will make the foe flee. Even if the monster doesn't flee, later castings have a higher chance of success.
Makes the selected PC more skilled for a short time. Works like the priest spell ‘Bless.’
Makes the selected PC move faster for a while. All haste spells take effect at the beginning of the next round.